Minggu, 10 November 2024

PBLRQA Strategy on Metacognitive Skills and Higher-order Thinking of Students in the Genetics Course

 Rendahnya kemampuan metakognitif dan berpikir tingkat tinggi menyebabkan mahasiswa kesulitan dalam memahami materi mata kuliah genetika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas strategi PBLRQA, PBL, dan RQA terhadap keterampilan metakognitif dan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan terhadap 118 mahasiswa yang terdiri dari empat kelas dengan menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar observasi aktivitas dosen dan mahasiswa, tes keterampilan metakognitif berbasis essay, dan tes pilihan ganda keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Data aktivitas dosen dan mahasiswa dianalisis berdasarkan persentase indikator yang berkategori tinggi dan sangat tinggi secara sintaksis. Data keterampilan metakognitif dan berpikir tingkat tinggi dianalisis menggunakan tes Normalized Gain dan Independent Kruskal Wallis. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan strategi PBLRQA, PBL, dan RQA tidak efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan metakognitif dan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa. Untuk menindaklanjuti temuan tersebut, diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengeksplorasi keterlibatan gaya belajar dan dukungan sosial terhadap keterampilan metakognitif dan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa, dengan fokus pada penerapan strategi PBLRQA dan RQA


Effect of applying POC of Musa paradisiaca peel on the growth and production of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum)

 The peel of the kepok banana (Musa paradisiaca) is frequently perceived as pointless garbage by individuals after they have consumed the fruit. Nevertheless, the conversion of kepok banana husks into liquid organic fertilizer (POC) provides a number of benefits. The objective of this investigation is to determine the optimal concentration of POC for tomato cultivation as well as the impact of POC from kepok banana peels on the growth and yield of tomato plants Tomato Plants . The study implements a complete random design (RAL) with four interventions and five replicates: P0 = 0% (no fertilizer), P1 = 15%, P2 = 30%, and P3 = 45%. Using the ANOVA test, SPSS-25 software facilitated the analysis of the collected data. The results suggested that the growth of tomato plants at 12, 18, and 24 days after sowing (HST) was substantially influenced by the use of POC derived from kepok bananas, particularly in terms of plant height and leaf area. However, the quantity, weight, and size of the produce did not significantly change at 42, 46, and 50 HST. The recommended dosage for tomato plants is 15%.


Terrestrial Ferns (Pteridophyta) in the Bancea nature tourism park area

 Bancea Nature Tourism Park (NTP) is a protected area with an abundance of various types of plants. Endemic plants, primarily terrestrial ferns, have not been identified in this area. Therefore, qualitative descriptive research was conducted using exploratory and free-collection sampling techniques. The study was conducted in the NTP Bancea area in October-December 2023. There were 40 types of terrestrial ferns found, which were divided into three classes and 18 tribes consisting of 1 type of Gleicheniaceae, two types of Aspleniaceae, two types of Blechnaceae, three types of Nephrolepidaceae, six types of Pteridaceae. two types of Cyatheaceae, 1 type of Hymenophyllaceae, 1 type of Thelypteridaceae, five types of Dryopteridaceae, 1 type of Davaliacea, eight types of Polypodiaceae, two types of Schizaeaceae, 1 type of Equisetaceae, 1 type of Dipteridaceae, 1 type of Lygodiaceae, 1 type of Selaginellaceae, 1 type of Athyriaceae and Lycopodiaceae 1 type. 


The Effect of the PJBL Model in Biology Learning on the Learning Outcomes of UPTD SMAN 1 Sarudu Students

 The research seeks to elucidate the impact of the PJBL (project based learning) learning paradigm on student 

academic performance at UPTD SMA Negeri 1 Sarudu. This research utilizes a quantitative approach, specifically the quasiexperimental method. The population in this study comprises class X pupils, whereas the sample consists of students from classes Xa and Xb, utilizing a saturation sampling strategy. Data gathering methodologies include pretest and posttest inquiries throughout the first and final sessions. The research shows that the PJBL learning model has a big effect on how well students learn at UPTD SMA Negeri 1 Sarudu. There is a big difference between the experimental class that gets PJBL and the control class that doesn't. The Mann-Whitney test revealed a score of 1,174 for the experimental class and 779 for the control class, with a significant value of 0.005, indicating acceptance of the hypothesis. Therefore, we concluded that the PJBL learning model had an influence on the biology learning outcomes of students at UPTD SMA Negeri 1 Sarudu


Development of a questionnaire on high school teachers' perceptions of differentiated learning in schools

 Differentiated learning is an approach that adapts to each student's learning needs. Teachers provide facilities that suit students' individual needs, bearing in mind that each student has unique characteristics and cannot be treated uniformly. This article aims to provide a deeper understanding of learning differentiation and explore teachers' perceptions regarding its implementation in the classroom. The results of interview research show that the purpose of differentiated learning is to coordinate learning by paying attention to students' interests, readiness and learning preferences. This aims to help all students achieve learning goals, increase motivation and learning outcomes, and establish a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, so that students are more enthusiastic about learning


Problem Based Learning Assisted by the Padlet Application on Critical Thinking Abilities and Collaboration Skills

 Kemampuan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan kolaborasi penting dimiliki peserta didik untuk menghadapi tantangan di abad 21. Namun saat ini masih banyak siswa yang kurang memiliki Kemampuan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan kolaborasi sehingga berdampak pada tujuan pembelajaran yang tidak tercapai secara maksimal. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pembelajaran berbasis masalah berbantuan aplikasi Padlet terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Keterampilan Kolaborasi. Penelitian ini yaitu adalah kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian quasi eksperimen. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan non-equivalent control grup yang terdiri dari kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu Kelas eksperimen terdiri dari 35 siswa dan kelas kontrol terdiri dari 35 siswa.


Development of Uno Stacko Biology (Usb) Learning Media on Reproductive System Material Class Xi Sma Negeri 1 Palu

 We can now address the issue of students not actively learning about the reproductive system in the classroom. We can attribute this phenomenon to the belief that the reproductive system's material is excessively complex and primarily relies on rote memorization. The current issue is receiving significant attention and requires a thorough investigation from multiple stakeholders. The objective of this project is to create instructional media named Uno Stacko Biology (USB) that combines educational games to facilitate students' understanding of the reproductive system. The study utilized a 4D development paradigm, which encompasses the phases of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating, to conduct research and achieve progress.


Development of an integrated test instrument for Islamic value to measure mathematical reasoning of students in the Islamic mathematics study courses

 Mathematics is a science of great relevance as it influences human mind about concepts, processes, and reasoning. Through the process of logical thinking, individuals are able to differentiate between concepts that are considered positive or negative, advantageous or disadvantageous. Undoubtedly, it is possible to effectively tackle current issues by employing logical thinking. Reasoning plays a significant role in the formation of one's character within the realm of schooling. Reasoning encompasses the capacity to engage in logical reasoning, evaluate circumstances, and reach conclusions using reasonable thought processes.


Effect of chitosan of milkfish scale waste (Chanos chanos) on the preservation of tomato fruit (Lycopersium esculentum)

 Tomatoes (Lycopersium esculentum) provide excellent nutritional value for human health. However, their high water 

content and classification as climacteric fruits, which undergo quick ripening through respiration, make them 

vulnerable to harm during the post-harvest period. One method employed to prolong the longevity of tomatoes involves the application of a coating made from chitosan derived from milkfish scales. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of chitosan derived from milkfish scales (Chanos chanos) on the longevity of tomatoes by examining alterations in color, weight loss, pH level (acidity), and vitamin C content. This study employs a complete random design (CRD) experiment consisting of five treatments: P0 = 0%, P1 = 1%, P2 = 1.5%, P3 = 2%, and P4 = 2.5%. Each treatment is replicated three times. The metrics recorded encompassed the tomato's color, weight loss measured by comparing the initial weight with subsequent weights, pH value (indicating acidity), and monitoring of vitamin C levels.


Development Of Biological Ladder Snake Game For Learning Of Reproductive System At Class Xi Sman I Palu

 The embarrassment, complexity, and unease of reproductive system material frequently cause high school students to experience difficulty in comprehending it, which can result in a sense of tedium in the classroom. The objective of this research is to create the Biological Snake Ladder (BLS) as a learning aid for educational activities that are specifically designed for grade IX students and pertain to the reproductive system. This research is integrated into the Research and Development (R&D) framework of the 4D development model (Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate). The test participants in this research are 20 students in grade XI MIPA 5 at SMA Negeri 1 Palu.


Effectiveness of training program in improving teachers' skills in developing teaching modules at SMA Negeri 7 Palu

 The Merdeka Belajar curriculum is a curriculum that aims to restore the authority to manage education to local governments and schools according to their needs, capacities and local wisdom. This curriculum has been officially launched in early 2022,


Development of TPACK-Based Teaching Materials on Biodiversity Subject to Measure Students' Critical Thinking Skills

 Teaching materials are auxiliary elements employed to accomplish the goals of the educational process. The observed fact reveals a deficiency in teaching materials that incorporate Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for the purpose of developing students' critical thinking abilities. https://univtadulako-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/astija_untad_ac_id/EcypFDE7XL5InnYQd8LqWG8B2otbmQ2C2s_P6w1h1xRpWQ?e=MMSmRG



Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) yang dibuat dari akar bambu, kacang hijau, dan putri malu hingga kini masih belum ada yang mengaplikasikannya pada tanaman kacang hijau, khususnya untuk menentukan pengaruhnya terhadap jumlah, diameter, dan kualitas bintil akar kacang hijau


Effect of implementation of group investigation model based on recitation method in improving biological learning outcome of student of SMPN 1 Bolano Lambunu

Discussion method in teaching learning process is commonly conducted at SMPN 1 Bolano Lambunu.
However, it is still not significant to improve the learning outcomes. 
Lihat artikel lengkapnya pada link ini

Analysis of APXs and HSPs genes responsible to respond to heat stress in tomato plants cultivated in Central Sulawesi

 Central Sulawesi is one of the areas in Indonesia located on the equator which has hot temperatures. This temperature greatly affects the growth of tomato plants. However, this plant can grow well. It is not yet known what crucial genes are responsible for the heat tolerance. 

Please find completely the article at Link J2 Analysis of APXs and HSPs