Background: Banana flower is often processed in an abon, but the nutritional content is a little quiete, especially fat. As such, it is necessary to add an eel fish in which is known to have a fat content. Objectives: To determine the fat content in an abon that was made from a banana flower and an eel fish. Methods: The research was conducted with experimental method with 5 treatments in being the composition of 100 grams of banana flower (P0), composition of 75 grams of banana flower and 25 grams of eel (P1), composition of 50 grams of banana flower and 50 gram of eel (P2), composition of 25 grams of banana flower and 75 grams of eel (P3) and composition of 100 grams of eel (P4). The treatments of which were repeated 3 times each. Then, the abon was analyzed regarding its fat content by using the Soxhlet method. Results: The average of the fat conents were P0 (=15.59%) P1 (=17.57%), P2 (=23.12%), P3 (=26.42%), and P4 (=27.23%). Conclusion: The eel fish increases fat content in the abon but it is still less than 30% so that the abon was properly food standard consumed based on Indonesian Industry Standards. Selengkapnya silahkan baca pada link berikut